How to cleanse your crystals

That is why we’re going to want to commend our crystals, whether that be from someone else or negative energy from you. You’re gonna want to cleanse them. Some crystals are self-clean cleansing and we’ll talk about those later. Will revisit that

 OK, so now when you first acquire your crystals, whether you purchase them, whether they’re gifted to you, whether you find them. What are you digging for? Crystals yourself. You’re gonna want to cleanse the crystal because you don’t know what that crystal’s holding wants to. OK, so that’s very important. Step one after acquiring the crystal is planning the crystal. If you’re doing any sort of energy bodywork, or healing work with your crystals, whether that’s balancing the chakras or meditating with your crystals, you’re gonna wanna cleanse your crystals beforehand. After, if you’re doing any sort of crystal grids, which I’ve been really into lately, I’m loving crystal grids. Then you’re gonna wanna also cleanse your crystals before. You start using them in your crystal gridwork. sometimes you want to cleanse your crystals more often than not in general I’ll say that unless I’m doing something like what I just mentioned working with like healing body word for crystal


There’s some sort of whatever coming from your crystals. You will know when to quit your crystal. So I say use your intuition and you’ll hear me say that a lot when I’m speaking about crystals. Use your intuition because I think a lot of times we just do not trust our higher self enough. And so if you feel like it for whatever reason. No, I need to cleanse my crystals

 I wanna cleanse my crystals. Go ahead and do it. Just do it. It’s not gonna hurt anything, right, so just go ahead and do it. So there are multiple methods for cleansing your crystals. When I’m gonna speak about today are just five very simple, very easy ways to cleanse your crystals. Now, there are loads more. And so the first method. He’s slashing your crystals, so whether or not you’re using a sage stick bundle or you’re using Palo Santo, you can smudge your crystals to cleanse them. So you’re gonna light either your sage stick or your Palo Santo. Whichever. I find that a lot of people find this smoke. From the stage

 Very bothersome. So if they have allergies and they make their eyes water or cross their throats to run because of the smoke. So Palo Santo seems to be more gentle and milder, but it’s really up to you

 I love them both. It just depends on my mood. And So what you’ll do is you’ll like your sage. Are you late? You’re like your Palo Santo. You’ll take your crystal and you will waive your crystal through the smoke. The smoke is going to cleanse the crystal of any negative energy. Get rid of any negative energy that the crystal is holding the same way you would smudge your home. Or you know your space or your body. It’s the same way that you will do with your crystal. So yeah, it’s that simple

 Like this age or like the Palo Santo, take your crystal, wave it back and forth in the smoke of the stage or the Palo Santo. Sometimes I like it real jazzy and wave it around and spiral it around. But I’ll do this for a couple of minutes. I’ll do this for a couple of minutes, just like you would if you were saving smudging your home or your body, and anywhere from a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes. And that’s it. That’s it

 Your crystals are cleansed. Simple as that. And that’s why I chose that as the first. Because it’s so. Easy to obtain Sage or Palo Santo. You can find these at Whole Foods. Sometimes some of the healthier grocery stores will have them and so that is method number one for cleansing your crystals. Heaven #2 for cleansing your crystal is water. So just like we use water to bathe, to shower and it runs off that negative energy and that dirt in that crime from the day that’s the same concept with your crystals. So you can use running water from the tap or running water from the back. Even better if you have like a stream. Or a lake where you have running fresh water

 You can use that. You’ll turn the water on. You’ll take your crystal and you’ll run it under Neath or water. As simple as that. And so the idea is that that negative energy will run off the crystal with the water and down the drain or the stream or whatever. Choosing to do your clans of the crystal and so I’ll generally take a crystal and run it under the water for about a minute and I’ll just make sure I get all parts of the crystal wet. And if you have appointed crystal like this very often, I’ll just point that down. So all of that water comes down and just

 Runs off of the crystal. That’s easy, right? Also, you can take your crystals and you can submerge them in a bowl of water, so you’ll fill up the bowl with water. Will take your crystals. You’ll put your crystals in and you’ll make sure they’re completely submerged, completely covered in the water. You can leave them in there, anywhere from a few minutes to an. Hours. So depending on what you choose, be careful. Some crystals do not work well with water, so selenite is one of those crystals that will dissolve in water. So you need to be careful. Haematite will rust from water and you don’t want rusty funky crystals, right? So you do wanna make sure you’re careful with that

 And for that reason. Generally tend to stray away from the submerged water, but it is an option. So the next method is sunlight or moonlight. Now, this method is one of my favorite methods because not only do you cleanse the crystals, but you also recharge or charge the crystals from the energy of the moon or the energy of the sun. So with sunlight, sunlight. You wanna be careful because. Like the water, sometimes sunlight affects some of the crystals, for example, and this and this will fade if it has too much direct intent stop and there are other crystals like that. So you wanna be careful with leaving your crystals in the sunlight for too long. But what you’ll do is you’ll take your crystals and you’ll put them in the sunlight. There’s the sunlight

 Right there and you’ll put them in the sunlight, whether it’s on a ledge or windowsill or your deck or wherever you’ll leave them in the sunlight, the direct sunlight, and you’ll leave them there for about 30 minutes or so. Some people leave them longer. I don’t find that I need to leave him any longer than 30 minutes, especially with, like an amethyst. You don’t wanna get more done.


There and you put them in the sunlight, whether it’s on a ledge or windowsill or your deck or whatever, you’ll leave them in the sunlight, the direct sunlight, and you’ll leave them there for about 30 minutes or so. Some people leave them longer. I don’t find that I need to leave them any longer than 30 minutes, especially with like, amethyst. You wanna come back to a clear-looking crystal because you left your crystal in the sun? Just wait too long, but you’ll leave them in the sun and it will cleanse and it will charge

 And that is a very lovely way to cleanse your pistols now of the sunlight and moonlight method. I prefer the moonlight method. I am a moon child. My moon is in cancer, which is the original sign of the moon. If you deal with any astrology. I love the strategy. All things astrology. Yeah, but what will do is you will take a crystal and a full moon is a perfect time. So our next full moon is March 1st, which is Thursday. And I think that is when I’ll be uploading this video. So it’s a perfect time to go ahead and cleanse your crystals. Tonight. You’ll take the energy of that full moon and planets and charge your crystals. I’ll take my crystals on generally. I’ll take them. And just rinse them under the water real quick and I’ll wipe them off. I’ll put them out in the direct moonlight, whether it’s just out on the sidewalk in front of the house, on the deck, in the back, on the chair or wherever you can put them wherever you think they’re gonna get that life and just leave them. I put them out at night. I collect them in the morning. I let them sit out there all night. Is my favorite method. My crystal seems so. Cleansed and charged. When I use a little light method that that’s just the way I love to do it.

So I don’t know, you might have a different favorite. All the ones that I mentioned but you might wanna try them all and kind of figure out why I like the way my crystals feel after this one and maybe it’s ’cause I’m an alone child. Who knows if you’re not an alone child. But I love the moonlight method. So I just want to share with you that that is my personal favorite. And I will be cleansing some crystals on March 1st, which might be today depending on how below this video. So the 4th method we’re going to speak about today is either burying your crystalline seesaw or earth dirt clay sand that is the 4th method. So Cecil is very easy. You’ll take a bowl, you’ll fill it up with sea salt, and make sure it is Cecil. For the other stuff, Cecil, I prefer to use the pink Himalayan sea salt. It does not have to be that one, but that is the one that I like. You’ll fill the bowl up with sea salt. You will put your crystals in the bowl. You’ll make sure they’re completely submerged, completely covered. And the saw.

You can leave them there, anywhere from about 30 minutes to three days, depending on what you want and how much you think your crystal needs to be cleansed. I prefer to use my leave mine as a day. I just put it in there. Leave it all day, forget about it. Pull it out. If I’m going to use this insert method but do the same for the dirt for the clay or the sand, you can go in your backyard, dig yourself a little bit with your crystals in there, covering back up with the dirt. Leave them. Let them claim that way from 30 minutes to days. If you like, that is another method you can use to cleanse your crystals. So the last method, which is the 5th method is easier. The easiest method to me is why this method does require that you have. Some self-confidence. It does require that you believe in your energy in your power because you are going to use your cell, your energy siblings, and your crystal.

OK, So what you’ll do is you’ll take your crystal, Tenniel, hold your crystal in your hand. If I do this method, I’ll generally only do one crystal or Q crystal. You can grab a few crystals, but they’ll take your crystal. And you can do this with your eyes open or your eyes closed. What you’ll do is you’ll imagine a white line, right? And this white light will start if your crown chakra works its way down through your meeting, we’re going to essentially use your energy, your power, your time energy to cleanse your crystals. You can do this anytime, anywhere from about. 15 seconds to a minute or minutes if you’d like, and you can have a mantra or saying or a positive affirmation that you say you’ll take deep breaths and you will say your mantra or you’re saying you can be anything simple. Just keep it simple. You don’t need a long drawn out, you know so little weak. But if you just have a simple, I use the positive. Energy from my being to cleanse this. Right. It could be as simple as that. I use my energy to Clintons. It’s crystal and that is a very easy method to do. I find that it works well. I told you I prefer the moonlight, the full moon. But sometimes if I just wanted to do a quick refresher on my crystals and we’re not gonna have a full moon anytime soon, I will do that. I will hold my crystal and I will match in my white light. And I want it would be swirling through my body. I see it moving down. I’m holding my crystal and I am using the positive energy of my being to cleanse this crystal. If you concentrate, you can feel the energy of that crystal and Chris have very powerful energy, especially if you just are silent and just hold them and pay attention. So that’s a good method that I have, which Lindsey or crystals now at the beginning I told you some crystals do not require insert cleansing, they are self-cleansing crystals.

 I close it anyway, but I do have a very gentle cleanse. I figure it can’t hurt, right? But they are self-cleansing so you do not have to cleanse them. Some of those crystals and these are not all of them, but the ones that I can remember off the top of my head are selenite. So I’ve shown you selenite this is selenite right here. It is a clear Milky white crystal. I have a seller night one that I love. This is a self-cleansing crystal bonus way to cleanse your crystal. You can use Selenite to cleanse your crystal because it does not hold negative energy so that is a crystal that does not need to be cleansed. It’s also a crystal that if you do decide to leave it in water can dissolve. So just keep that in mind to train the train is another crystal that does not need to be. It is a self-cleansing crystal. This crystal is associated with. If you are, Scorpio is just one of our gemstones. We have many. This is not the only one, but this is one of our gemstones so you do not have to cleanse the tree at all. And another crystal that you do not have to cleanse is highlighted. I only have shards of this kyanite because I use it for my crystal bridge, but I will show you this is what kyanite looks like. It probably loves these shards because you can use them to layout in crystal grids and they work well so highlight it’s a self-cleansing stone or gemstone or crystal and try to get it out like there so you can see what its is it’s kind of like blue jeans down



Crystals. I cleanse them anyway, but I do have a very gentle cleanse. I figure it can’t hurt, right? But they are self-cleaning so you do not have to cleanse them. Some of those crystals and these are not all of them, but the ones that I can remember off the top of my head are selenite. So I’ve shown you selenite. This is selenite right here it’s. Is clear to Milky white crystal. I have a selenite wand that I love. This is a self-cleansing crystal bonus way to cleanse your crystal. You can use Selenite to cleanse your crystal because it does not hold negative energy so that is a crystal that does not need to be cleansed. It’s also a crystal that if you do decide to leave it in water. It can dissolve, so just keep that in mind. That’s the train. The train is another crystal that does not need to be commanded. It is a self-cleansing crystal. This crystal is associated with Scorpio. If you are a Scorpio, this is one of our gemstones. We have many. This is not the only one. But this is one of our gemstones, I said. You do not have to cleanse citrine at all and another crystal that you do not have to cleanse is kyanite. I only have shards of this kyanite because I use it for my crystal grids, but I will show you this is what kyanite looks like. It is blue and I love these shards because you can. Use them to layout in crystal grids and they work well. So kyanite is a self-cleansing stone or gemstone or crystal and trying to get it out of the light there so you can see what it is. It’s kind of like a blue Jean denim color and you do not have to cleanse this one

 So those are three crystals that you don’t have to cleanse, selenite citrine point. I was going to add on programming your crystals to this video but I realized this video probably is already long enough I tend to run over the time that I want to spend on a video first of all because I know what sentence pans wants to see here for 30 minutes once in the video





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