Reiki: Is this really a thing?
Yes, yes it is! Some of the explanations that can be found online can be hard to understand, especially for those who aren’t into the esoteric aspects of life.
In Japanese, the word for Reiki is Rei – Ki, which means “universal life force energy.” Everything is made up of energy. In Lay-Man terms, Reiki is a Japanese way to relax that involves putting your hands on your body in a way that’s similar to how you meditate. As the therapist places his or her hands on or above the client’s body in a certain order, the client’s body starts to relax. It is usually done on a massage table while the person is fully clothed.
Ever heard of Monkey Brain ?That’s also such a real thing. Most people find it hard to medidate. People seem to worry too much about “What did I forget to do this morning?” or “Where do I have to be at 3 pm?” And as soon as that pattern starts to happen in their minds, they give up on trying to meditate. With Reiki, when the brain starts to go off on one of those tangents, the client is brought back to their body and the process of relaxing by the Reiki practitioner moving to a new position.
I’ve started to describe Reiki as a kind of “hands-on guided meditation.” I’ve heard over and over, “I can’t believe how relaxing that was” or they just fall asleep and have no idea they did! It’s truly satisfying as a practitioner, to be able to assist the body to attain that level of relaxation.
It’s great for people who can’t slow down their minds on their own. It’s also great for people who don’t like getting massages because they don’t like being touched.
Now, it’s true that a therapist can make Reiki as woo-woo or esoteric as they want. They can use crystals to channel additional energetic properties through mediation, use herbs and scents to enhance the experience and call in additional assistance and so much more.
However, if it’s not your thing, It can be as simple as putting one hand on a knee that is hurt.
Reiki is just a way to balance energies that are already in your body, similar to balancing the water in an ice cube tray.
Reiki is nothing to worry about. It won’t change your religion, and it won’t magically make you a hippy who loves peace.
Reiki will just help you relax to the point where your body can heal itself on its own.
I hope this makes Reiki feel less daunting and encourages you to seek out treatment!
Love, Light, and Honesty
Ilene Rosalie